It's been a year since I last wrote something here, but I haven't been idle. I made a resolution to write some code every day and commit some kind of functional change to my GitHub repository each day, even if it's just a one line change. So far I've kept to it pretty well (apart from travel days). I'm adding more stuff there all the time, most of it brand new but some of it is stuff that I wrote previously and which hadn't been under version control before (updated to work with the library code I'm also committing). I know my github workflow is rather unusual - lots of projects in one repository and commits corresponding to days rather than to features. But the version control is mainly for my benefit at the moment (since it's just me working on this stuff) - I just want to have all this backed up offsite, to be able to see previous versions and to have a record of what code I wrote when. The current set of subdirectories under of the main repository is:
- 4to8 - little program I wrote to convert the audio data for the game Fire! by New Deal Productions from 4-bit to 8-bit format so that I could play it back properly.
- 8088 - various projects relating to the original IBM PC/XT - a cycle-exact emulator and a demo I'm working on.
UnityALFE - a compiled language I'm playing about with. This name is a bit overloaded, I might call it ALFE (A Language For Everything) instead.- codec - an idea I had for a method of compressing audio with extremely low playback overhead. Doesn't currently work, and I have no idea if it ever will.
- collage - a program to genarate a header image to use on this blog (not yet finished).
- crc32 - a handy utility for computing CRC32 checksums of files.
- crtsim - a CRT simulator.
- euclids_orchard - a program to generate a Euclid's Orchard image.
- fractals - some fractal plotter programs. Currently there is only one - a zoomable Bifurcation fractal.
- image_resample - my custom image resampler.
- include - various libraries used in multiple projects.
- intervals - code and simulator for my intervals bar toy that is in progress.
- multifunction - a program to search for useful multifunction gates.
- oscilloscope - an oscilloscope program based on an idea I had for rendering waveforms. Not really started.
- perceptual - a program to find maximally distributed colours in perceptual colour space.
- primes - prime number experiments.
- ravioli - an idea I had for eliminating memory fragmentation.
- run_random - recursively enumerates all files in a directory and then picks one at random to run.
- strobe - an Arduino program for a strobe light with controllable duty cycle and accurately controllable frequency.
- test - some unit tests for libraries in the include subdirectory.
- tone_matrix - the code for my physical tone matrix.
I'll blog more about these in upcoming entries. And I'll try to remember to update this list as I add more projects to the repository.