Infinite loop on floor 1

The other day, I got into a loop trying to find a conference room on the first floor of the building where I work. Normally there is a fairly simple algorithm for finding a conference room in a Microsoft building:

  1. Wander about
  2. Stop when you find the room, or when you find a sign. If you found a sign,
  3. Find the line of the sign which has a range of room numbers including the number you want
  4. Go in the direction of the arrow on that line of the sign, and back to step 2.

However, I was foiled on this particular morning as sign A pointed in the direction of sign B, and sign B pointed in the direction of sign A, but the conference room in question was not in between the two signs! Fortunately, I realized the problem after only 3 or 4 iterations, and was not late to my meeting.

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