
One of the reasons the state of desktop computer security is in such a mess is that the average desktop machine has a lot of different pieces of software with attackable surface area but they all have different update mechanisms, some more reliable than others, some more painful than others. On Windows machines, the Microsoft patches are pretty good - they come out the second Tuesday of every month (occasionally sooner if a flaw is being actively exploited). Everything updates at once through a single mechanism. Usually there's a reboot required, but rebooting once a month isn't too bad. The most annoying gripe is the massive amount of CPU time spent to re-NGEN everything when there's a .NET update.

Then there's the Adobe patches which seem to get discovered whenever the machine is rebooted, and then themselves require a subsequent reboot (grr). Is that just Reader or does Flash update through the same mechanism? I'm not even sure. Firefox updates itself almost every time I start it if I haven't used it for a while, requiring me to have to start it again. I know the Google applications update themselves since I see googleupdater.exe in my task manager but they're very quiet about it - I don't even know when they update.

It would be far better if everything was updated through a centralized mechanism like my Ubuntu box does. Unfortunately, that update mechanism is very intrusive - it seems like every other day that it finds some new updates and installs them (though it rarely requires a reboot, which is nice). Also unfortunately, I suspect that it only works with software installed through the built-in software installation mechanism - programs I installed manually like the flash plugin and XMMS won't be updated.

To ensure everybody's desktop machines are secure, here is how I think things should work:

  • There should be a centralized mechanism for notifying client machines of new versions of software. Actually there should be several - if I don't trust X's server to be up-to-date, I should be able to use Y's instead.
  • The server I'm using should keep track of which pieces of software I have on my machines and their version numbers. The update checking process should be trivial in the "no updates available" case: my client machine just asks the server "any new updates for me" and the server goes "nope". Client machines should also know what they have installed so that if I change servers, the client just uploads the list of software to the server.
  • Some servers might only track a subset of software - that's okay, I should be able to specify multiple servers.
  • Software updates come in two sorts - new versions and security bug fixes. New versions I want to be notified about (but don't necessarily want to install immediately). Security bug fixes I want installed as soon as possible. The defaults should reflect this (though it should be possible to opt out of automatic installation of security bug fixes - some administrators want to be able to check out new fixes before installing them to make sure they won't break anything.
  • When a security bug fix is downloaded, it should be installed automatically, the application (or even system) restarted if necessary, and everything put back in its previous state - i.e. I should never lose anything due to a restart. This is the really tricky bit.

Application updates are the easiest types of restart - developers generally know if the application they are writing has security surface area, so (when it does) they can tell it to listen for messages from the updater application and, when an update is available, persist all its state, close down and restore all that state on the next startup.

The next most difficult thing is an update in a shared component. Some of the applications which use this component might be update-aware, and can be restarted just as if they were being updated themselves. Others might not be - consider the case of a compiler, which is designed to do what it is asked and then to exit - it's not supposed to be running for an extended period of time. These can generally be left alone to pick up the update on their next restart, or trusted not to care if a component they are using is insecure. This means that multiple versions of a shared component might be in use at any given time - the system should be able to cope with this. Of course, if these shared components are separate processes this ceases to be a problem.

Inevitably (even with the ability to patch running kernels) there will be times when a system reboot is necessary. Perhaps a driver puts a piece of hardware into an insecure state and it physically can't be put back into the secure state without a hardware reset. So the OS needs to be able to freeze a process, serialize it to disk and then restore it to the exact same state after a reboot. This means that all applications (even those with no security surface area) need to be written to be able to cope with the clock suddenly jumping forward, or hardware devices they are using suddenly being reset. In modern pre-emptive multitasking systems this is usually the case anyway.

On some operating systems, a reboot implies a modification of the address space layout of processes - in particular, Vista's Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) rebases system DLLs on system startup so that they are not in predictable places. I think it doesn't particularly affect security if a "forced update" causes the system DLLs to keep the same address across that particular reboot - as long as the address space layout isn't predictable across a large fraction of the machines running that software, the defense mechanism retains its effectiveness.

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